In this article, You will learn many useful vocabs, and phrases to talk about money in Darija in Morocco. knowing about money is important because Moroccans are used to bargaining in traditional markets or shops with non-fixed prices.
Vocabs & Phrases about Money in DARIJA
The official currency of Morocco is DIRHAM ( denoted as MAD or DHS )
1 Dhs = 20 Rials = 100 cents = 100 Franc
1 Rial = 5 cents ( Moroccan Franc )
Vocabulary and phrases used in DARIJA :
Money: Flous
Dirham: Darhem
Rial: Rial
Cent: Santim / Frank.
I have Money: 3ndi Lflous.
I don’t have any money: Ma3ndich Lflous.
How much money do you have?: Ch7al 3ndk dyal / d Lflous?
Do you have a change Please?: 3ndk Sarf 3afak?
I do have change: 3ndi Sarf.
I do not have change: Ma3ndich Sarf.
DIRHAM Prononciation Variations in DARIJA
In this section, you will learn how to pronounce the word “Dirham” depending on numbers and this is important to talk about money in Darija. This section is very useful for example in your eventual daily conversations about prices and to bargain with your neighborhood vegetables or fruits vendors.
The singular form of the word “Dirham” in Darija is Darhem and its plural form is Drahem.
1 Dh = Darhem
2 Dhs = Jouj Drahem
3 Dhs = Tlata Drahem
… 9 Dhs : Ts3oud Drahem
10 Dhs = 3chra Drahem
11 Dhs = 7dachr / 7dachrl Darhem
12 Dhs = Tnachr / Tnachl Darhem
… 19 Dhs : Ts3tachr / Ts3tachl Darhem
20 Dhs = 3chrin Darhem
30 Dhs = Tlatin Darhem
100 Dhs = Myat Darhem
104 Dhs = Miya w rb3a Drahem
111 Dhs = Miya w 7dachr / Miya w 7dachl Darhem
200 Dhs = Miyatayn Darhem
207 Dhs = Miyatayn w sb3a Drahem
300 Dhs = Tltmiyat Darhem
310 Dhs = Tltmiya w 3chra Drahem
400 Dhs = Rb3miyat Darhem
409 Dhs = Rb3miya w ts3oud Drahem
1006 Dhs = Alf w sta Drahem
1015 Dhs = Alf w Khmstachr / Alf w Khmstachl Darhem
2203 Dhs = Alfayn w Miyatayn w Tlata Drahem
3100 Dhs = Tltalaf w Miyat Darhem
NB: Concerning numbers we did not mention, Check this article: Numbers in Moroccan Arabic.
Category 1: We use the plural form Drahem for numbers from 2 to 10 and all numbers superior to 100 and ending with these numbers (2 to 10).
Category 2: For the rest of the numbers, we use the singular form Darhem. But, there is an exception for numbers from 11 to 19, and for all numbers ending with these numbers (11 to 19), we have this form:
The number + ” R ” or ” L ” + Darhem
Another exception for numbers 100, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, and all numbers ending with these numbers (examples: 3100, 3300, 4700, 6300, 10800,…), we have this form:
The number + ” T ” + Darhem
Banknotes and Coins in circulation in Morocco
- Banknotes are available in denominations of (Dhs) 200, 100, 50, and 20 and for more information, you can check the BANK AL-MAGHRIB website in charge of the production of the currency (2012 series).
- Coins are available in denominations of (Dhs) 10, 5, 2, and 1.
- Coins are available in denominations of (Centimes) 50, 20, 10, and 5 centimes, and they are not much used.
For more information about coins, check this link of the BANK AL-MAGHRIB web page (2002 series).
Exchange Rates Today (Moroccan 10 MAD)
Exchange Rate MAD: Wed, 12 Mar.